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Apperture Solutions is a consulting and implementation services firm. Our clients are manufacturing companies looking to leverage their data and best-in-class technologies to make more informed decisions—from the plant floor, up through all levels of production. As process experts, we understand the benefits of integrating silos of data across the organization and transforming that data into actionable information.

Our Goal Is To Achieve the Highest Impact With Our Key Practice Area Consulting and Implementation Services. Learn More.

What Are Your Priorities?


Data should be exciting and relevant. We enable your data to tell better stories—through exploration, analytics, modeling, and visualization—in order to provide valuable insights and help you drive significant improvements in your operations.

Operations Management

We ensure efficient, safe, reliable, and sustainable manufacturing processes—regardless of where you are in your MOM journey. Our solutions improve materials tracking, increase awareness of work-in-progress materials, manage equipment states, and protect your data’s integrity.


Let us address your production optimization needs with the latest digital simulation tools and advanced process control technologies. Leveraging our experience, we can improve process performance while delivering safer and more cost-effective operations.

Life Sciences

We help life sciences organizations make good
business decisions and navigate their digital
transformation to the factory of the future.


Achieving a competitive advantage, while
hitting targets for safety and sustainability,
requires data analytics that measure and
monitor overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

Consumer Products

Optimizing production efficiency, predicting
product quality, and understanding energy
consumption are among the challenges that
we can help CPGs address.

Battery Materials

We provide the right data analytics—
from material extraction through processing,
and into battery assembly—enabling you to
go to market with quality, reliable products.


Using state of the art technologies, analytics,
and machine learning, we partner with
energy producers to run more efficiently,
safer, and with a greener footprint.

Pulp & Paper

By leveraging advanced process control
technology and analytics tools, we’ll
help you remain profitable by minimizing
production costs, improving reliability,
and driving predictive maintenance.

Metals & Mining

We bring a reliability and process-focused
approach to derive value from the wealth
of instrumentation that is embedded
across mining operations.

Life Sciences

We help life sciences organizations make good business decisions and navigate their digital transformation to the factory of the future.


Achieving a competitive advantage, while hitting targets for safety and sustainability, requires data analytics that measure and monitor overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

Consumer Products

Optimizing production efficiency, predicting product quality, and understanding energy consumption are among the challenges that we can help CPGs address.

Battery Materials

We provide the right data analytics—from material extraction through processing, and into battery assembly—enabling you to go to market with quality, reliable products.


Using state of the art technologies, analytics, and machine learning, we partner with energy producers to run more efficiently, safer, and with a greener footprint.

Pulp & Paper

By leveraging advanced process control technology and analytics tools, we’ll help you remain profitable by minimizing production costs, improving reliability, and driving predictive maintenance.

Metals & Mining

We bring a reliability and process-focused approach to derive value from the wealth of instrumentation that is embedded across mining operations.


Take the next step to adopt best-in-class tools and techniques to reap the benefits of Industry 4.0.