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A Practical Data Analytics Approach Using OT Data That Keeps YOU In Control of Success

June 18, 2024

Meeting the challenges of improving unit operations requires the use of OT data that spans multiple departments. Apperture’s Data Workshop is an ideal way to get to the most impactful use cases, quickly. We start by getting the right people in the room, diving into pain points, finding symptoms of variability, and then discussing how your data can drive analytics use cases. Armed with a sound plan, our team leverages a self-service analytics platform called Seeq. The Seeq platform is designed to work with your tribal knowledge of the process and leverages the power of connecting disparate data sources.

Data Analytics Workshop Addresses Big Challenges

Our data workshop is designed to address big, overall objectives, including:

  • Production yield
  • Production capacity
  • Production schedule adherence
  • Unplanned downtime
  • Equipment performance
  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Apperture ensures success throughout your data analytics journey by developing a strong relationship with your team. Using our Data Workshop format, we learn where we can complement your talent and drive the most impactful goals.

Start your Data Analytics journey more quickly using Seeq and the data analytics experts at Apperture Solutions.
We can drastically cut down the amount of time spent fixing time-series data so you can spend more time coming up with brilliant ideas of solving problems faster.


Take the next step to adopt best-in-class tools and techniques to reap the benefits of Industry 4.0.